Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 42

Junior moved Firebird hesitantly out into the center of the arena floor. Alpha Dog remained stationary.
Just as he was starting to seriously think the other machine was having mechanical difficulties, he saw the puff of steam from just below the waist of Alpha Dog.
Junior jumped, the enhanced and fully charged leg articulation flinging him into the air a full six feet above the tripping cable which would have fully entangled his legs.
Firebird landed closer to Alpha Dog than Junior had intended, but he opted to rush forward into an attack sequence as Alpha Dog struggled to withdraw its cable for another attempt.
Junior saw the cable whipping past Firebird's feet and shuffled to step down hard on it, halting the progress and causing Alpha Dog to lurch forward.
Firebird's left blade sliced downwards quickly, severing the cable and sending Alpha Dog staggering backwards abruptly.
Junior leaped again, bringing his right blade down on the left shoulder joint of Alpha Dog. The limb sagged visibly, hanging by wires and emitting a spray of sparks. Firebird pushed against the weakened point, sawing through the remaining connectors and dropping the arm to the arena floor.
Alpha Dog circled quickly to the left, bringing its right arm up quickly to smash against Firebird's left shoulder. There was a loud clang and some metal to metal sparking, but no serious damage to either machine.
Junior brought the left arm up quickly, cutting a deep gash in the armor of the remaining arm.
As Alpha Dog continued an evasive pattern towards the left, trying to get enough space between them to kick or build up momentum for a smashing blow with the right arm.
Junior stabbed out with his left blade, digging deeply into the hole he had cut earlier. He maintained the distance he had set and wiggled the blade until, electrical systems severed, the arm stopped thrashing.
Junior kicked forward, pushing against Alpha Dog. True to design, the mechanized suit did not topple. Instead, the large feet slid into the soft dirt of the arena floor forming a trench a few inches deep.
Again, Firebird's blades flashed out, severing power couplings and puncturing armor until his on board computer, and that of the judges, received the 'yield' signal from Alpha Dog's pilot.
Firebird turned and marched back out the southern entrance.
Junior did not miss the slag mitts at all.

Chapter Forty Two Interlude

File: Datanet Core Server Gamma Beta Sixty Three, Galactic Entertainment, Era: Modern -0, Perth Mechanized Combat Exposition, Index Earth Prime Protection Force, Data source EPPF Press Corps

The pride of the Earth Prime Protection Force has triumphed in a stunning victory against the Un-Faithful pilot of the Mechanized Defense Suit known as Alpha Dog.
While unavailable for comment, the victorious High Fleet Colonel was certain that his win was pre-ordained according the the Truth, and he wished to convey his thanks to the Benevolent States United and all of his Faithful supporters.
The Un-Faithful pilot of Alpha Dog, according to custom, has been sent for Faith training at an undisclosed location. Alpha Dog has been claimed for safekeeping by the Benevolent States United in anticipation of his rehabilitation and return to the Faith.

"Junior!" Dank called, "Look what just got sent to the news feeds!" He indicated the report.
Junior read and glanced up to see the drones carrying off the remains of Alpha Dog and prying the angry but healthy pilot from the chest cavity.
"It's like they knew before the match," Junior said, "You don't suppose they just have that much faith in my abilities do you?"
"You sayin' you think the whole mess is rigged?" Dank asked.
"I ain't sayin' nothin'" Junior clarified, "But I'm thinkin' it."
The following match was between a spear wielding robotic suit and one that traveled around the arena quickly on four tires covered by a rounded armored shell.
The fight lasted three rounds before Pierce managed to puncture one of Tippy's tires and lever the bot onto its back for a quick kill.
Junior watched the match, knowing he might have to face the winner in a future combat, but he was distracted. He wondered if the moves were choreographed, the outcome never in doubt.
He wondered how much skill really went into this kind of Beater combat and whether he'd ever get to be "available for comment" at all.
Mostly, he still wondered if he had done the right thing in coming here, to Earth Prime, and in dragging his friends along with him.
Dank, Trixie May and McComb still seemed to watch the fight with enthusiasm. Maybe the rest of it didn't matter at all.
If people were entertained, and the crowd seemed to be, what was the harm if the actual outcome was pre-determined according to policy or the "Truth" or decided by committee in some remore government office? Did it matter in the end?
Junior decided, watching the disabled robot dragged unceremoniously from the arena floor, that it mattered to him.